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Everything in this universe is born, grows, evolves, and transitions. 

Life and death are not separate from each other - both are part of our existence.  Death awareness brings this to light, and we can embrace this truth.

It is here we can open our hearts to all of life and see what there is to experience.

Renee is with the intention to evolve the way we perceive life, dying, death and loss. To integrate each experience which guides us home to each other and to our true selves. 

Renee is a Tariki Trust Buddhism Psychotherapy Program graduate, a certified Death Doula and a Reiki Master who has studied for 15 years under the Usui System of Natural Healing. She is also a certified Yoga Teacher and Yoga Nidra Meditation Guide. Renee's teachings and philosophies are based on her time as a student in Eastern teachings and her 20 years as a Behaviour Analyst.  


Working within the community for over 25 years, offering private healing sessions, supporting families during challenging transitions, sitting with those dying and leading retreats, meditation and yoga classes.

Most recently, Renee has opened Journey Home for Empowered Living and Dying, a not-for-profit to educate, inform and support empowered living and dying through death acceptance and wisdom.

Renee's services are rooted in love; she comes with an open heart and mind as you unravel the truths in all that you are and aren't.  She sees that we hold patterns, habits and stories about life and ourselves that we have adopted from our upbringing, society and the collective - when we live in these adopted ways, we move away from our authentic self, often feeling lost, confused and fragmented from our sense of self.   It is Renee's intention that we release the adopted ways to live and die free from the suffering of the mind and truly embrace life as it is. 

Renee offers diverse services of healing which will lead you back home to feel whole and to know your lives matter and that you are loved. 

Renee has led a life with many experiences that allow her to hold compassion for the struggles and suffering of life. She has lived through the unavoidable pains of life and has come to accept with gratitude that each of these painful moments had a purpose in her beautiful life.

If you seek guidance in life, death, dying and loss, Renee is a beautiful soul to sit with to find your way home.


Ways to work together:

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